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Latest activity by arminwinkler_122-
arminwinkler_122 commented, Ich kanns nicht glauben. Nachdem ich diesen frustrierenden Text geschrieben habe hab ich wieder Viki auf meinem Amazon Fire Stick gestartet. Es läuft seit eben wieder. Bin mal mächtig gespannt ob e...
arminwinkler_122 commented, Hi Darl (Support Specialist), Your standard answer is more than frustrating. Every time the same answer that brings nothing. I create the report with the so-called third-party provider for a week. ...
arminwinkler_122 commented, Hi therealdaniel Ich habe seit Ostermontag das gleiche Problem. Am Vormitag noch einwandfrei, und plötzlich Nachmittags die gleiche Meldung. Alle Versuche / Vorschläge über Viki Support sind bisher...
arminwinkler_122 created a post, Answered[Closed] Viki shows I have a proxy or VPN in use and refuses to stream the series
Viki indicates that a proxy or VPN is in use and therefore no more series can be streamed, but this is not the case. This problem exists since Monday noon. In the morning everything was fine. I cre...
arminwinkler_122 created a post, Answered[Closed] Viki shows I have a proxy or VPN in use and refuses to stream the series
Viki indicates that a proxy or VPN is in use and therefore no more series can be streamed, but this is not the case. This problem exists since Monday noon. In the morning everything was fine. I cre...