
English voice over

Do you have the option where I can change the language vioce to have an English vioce over so that I don't have to keep looking don't to read what's going on and just miss the characters and what they're doing...?


1 comment
  • Official comment

    Hi marlyonhairextension_429,

    Thanks for contacting Viki Community Support!

    At the moment, dubbing is not supported on Viki. Instead, Viki allows you to watch your favorite shows with the help of subtitles. To find out more about how to turn subtitles on or off, please refer to our FAQ.

    However, we understand that dubbing would be a well-received feature. Rest assured that this remains an important piece of feedback that we will get to in time to come!

    We hope this helps clarify. Please let us know if there's anything else we can help with.



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