
[Closed] Error VSF_6404

Watching Gye Baek. 3 days same error message on ep 8 & 9. Skipped to 10 got up to ep 13 & error message again. How long will it take to fix?  I’ve even logged to see if it would fix the error code to no avail 




  • Official comment

    Hello there,

    Thank you for writing to Viki Community Support!

    We're sorry that you're experiencing this error on your device. Depending on the error code you're seeing, we suggest the following steps:

    • Error VSF_6460
      Solution: This error means your device is unable to support DRM. It should still be able to play non-DRM videos. We suggest watching DRM videos on another supported device.

    • Error VSF_6400, VSF_6401, VSF_6404, VSF_6422, VSF_6461, VSF_6500
      Solution: Try again in a few minutes.

    • Error VF_EXO_6001, VF_EXO_6002, VF_EXO_6004
      Solution: Switch to another supported device.

    For more information: Why am I seeing this error message on my device?

    If the above does not help resolve the issue, could you please provide us with the following helpful information:

    1. Does this occur on all shows? If not, please let me know the specific shows and episodes you're having problems with (ex. "Chicago Typewriter" Episode 2)
    2. What version of the Viki app are you using? You can find it on the app settings.
    3. What's your device and Operating System version?
    4. Your internet speed. To test this download this application and share the results: Android or Apple
    5. Screenshot of the issue or the error message you see.

    We look forward to helping you soon!




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  • Hi

    I was watching Sell Your Haunted House. Hot to episode 6 and started to get this error. It appears now whenever I try to watch any of the episodes. However this error only shows up for this drama, no others.

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  • Hi sandi_bb,

    There was a Kocowa playback issue earlier that is now fixed, so you may return to Viki and continue watching :)

    If you are still having technical issues, please send details (screenshots included) to our Help Center at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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