We're sorry to know you're having issues with your Viki account. To see your benefits, please log in with your email address.
If you've forgotten the password to this account, you can reset it by taking these steps:
Please first ensure that you're logged out from your Viki account on all of your devices. This includes your mobile, tablet, web browser (laptop/computer) and TV device. This is very important
Hello ritchieanisa07_424
We're sorry to know you're having issues with your Viki account. To see your benefits, please log in with your email address.
If you've forgotten the password to this account, you can reset it by taking these steps:
Please first ensure that you're logged out from your Viki account on all of your devices. This includes your mobile, tablet, web browser (laptop/computer) and TV device. This is very important
On your web browser (laptop/computer), please go to https://www.viki.com/forgot_password
I hope this helps!
Thank you,
Viki Community Team Member
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