
[Closed] Continue Watching and Episode Progress Not Working

For weeks now, Viki has not been saving my progress as I watch shows. Continue watching is not updating, and when I search a show I am in the middle of watching, none of my progress has been saved and I have to search to find where I was. This problem persists on multiple browsers, and on the app. It is quite frustrating, is there anything that can be done to resolve this?



1 comment
  • Official comment

    Hi maddie_edmiston1123_67,

    Thank you for reaching out to Viki Community Support!

    We are sorry you are experiencing these problems with the Continue Watching feature/Watch Markers on and on the app. 

    Please note that Continue Watching/Watch Markers usually take five minutes before it is updated. Also, dramas/movies must have been played for at least five minutes. Do also ensure that you are logged into your Viki account.

    If you still do not see your Continue Watching list/Watch Marker updated, can you please try the following?


    1. Log out from your account
    2. On the Web, clear your browser cache and cookies. To learn how to do this, please click here
    3. Close your current web browser, then launch a new browser
    4. Log back in to your Viki account
    5. Make sure to disable or ensure that Adblock is disabled. To learn how to do this, please click here
    6. If you are using Firefox, disable your Enhanced Tracking Protection feature for
    7. If you are using Chrome, check that you have the Chrome AdBlock toggled off or that is added to the list of 'Allow' sites. Copy this into your browser: chrome://settings/content/ads?search=ad
    8. If you've turned off AdBlock but the issue still persists, please try this step: Go to your browser toolbar -> Click or find your AdBlock icon -> Select the Whitelisted websites tab -> Enter (one of our domains) and click Add Website -> Close the tab.


    1. Log out from the Viki app.
    2. If you're on an Android device, clean the cache and cookies on your device
    3. Delete and Reinstall the Viki app.
    4. Log back in to your Viki account by following the steps here

    If the above does not help, know that there will be times when continue watching may not update intermittently, and that our team is working to improve this. We seek your kind understanding and patience on this. 

    If you need more help, don't hesitate to reach out again.

    Thank you,


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