[Closed] Cannot login
I am having same problem. Please help
have asked for a password reset with my regular email and even the Apple generated email and received nothing from Viki about the reset. I do not wish to cancel the subscription and start over. I was going to do that but stopped. I want to keep my data of the past shows I already watched as well the billing history of the Vicki Plus. My Roku TV acknowledges I have and account and even tells me the renewal date, but will not let me login because I was never given a password. The Vicki app for my phone allowed me scan the Code to login on the website, can I have the same kind scan code for the Roku TV? Please...
Hello 2knprngrdk_97,
Thanks for writing to Viki Community Support!
As this involves your account details, we will be reaching out to you privately via a ticket on the Help Center.
Please help to respond there too as this post will be closed to prevent multiple requests confusion.
Thank you,
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