Play from beginning option

Feature request for roku/any other streaming devices

- Play from beginning

I have to manually rewind to the beginning when I am re-watching previously watched episodes.



  • I am literally so upset at the fact that I have to rewind. I can't believe it's 2021 and Viki does NOT have a play from beginning button. This has to be requested more often.

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  • Agreed!

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  • Honestly, I don't get it. Please do something quick

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  • agreed would like this feature

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  • I totally agree!! Why is this not an option here?? Netflix has it! Some of us like to watch our favourite shows multiple times. 

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  • Can't believe this isn't an option yet!

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  • This could be an invaluable tool for customers to rewatch favorites and/or share with friends.

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  • Plase make sure if this feature is implemented, it Starts from Beginning "For All Devices". Right now even if I rewind all episodes on my android tablet, the episodes are NOT rewinded on my Roku devices, and no matter how I try to rewind on Roku, the episode doesn't remember the rewinded state. It's seriously inconvenient without this Basic Feature.

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  • Agreed, it is very difficult to control the play forward or backward features. They tend to freeze up. It would be really valuable to allow greater control over resetting previously watched  episodes. Right now, it is very frustrating. I don't even think the previously watched timer is working properly. I sometimes try going into profile and then back to the home page to see if it will update properly - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Over all re-watching a program is much more difficult than a first time viewing. I love having Viki, so I hope some of these glitches can be fixed, especially as streaming becomes more and more competitive. Thanks.

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  • almost nov 2022 and this feature is still missing... 


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  • Almost March 2023 and NO, I still didn't find what I was looking for. It's really disappointing that Viki doesn't care about their members requests for adding this necessary future. I mean, what could be so complicated adding the simple button in a time of a mighty technology when almost everything is possible? Or, you're simply ignorant?

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  • Would LOVE for this feature so that I can rewatch episodes of shows! Please implement soon 🙏

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  • It's been 2 years since I joined viki. Play from beginning and multiple profiles still has not been implemented. I don't understand why both features wasn't added from the start.

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  • Because frankly they don’t care. I have been fighting with them for weeks about the update. It’s fallen on deaf ears. They use same old response but not any actual change. Don’t hold you breath.

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  • I watch on my smartTV and it’s even more painful because I can’t rewind by holding down the rewind button on my remote. I have to manually press the button a million times until I get to the beginning. It’s such a terrible user experience. There’s actual disincentive to rewatch favourites and keep subscribed to Viki.

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  • it’s very impressive on how it’s still not there yet, these comments are 3-4 years old and they still haven’t added the simple feature

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  • Agree!!!!

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