
Subtitle by Default in Italian, how to set in in English.

Please help to sort out my problem at 'Rakuten Viki' site, all the program I tried to watch somehow become in Italian subtitle.  Please help me to reset to 'English' by default. Thank you.



1 comment
  • Hi there,

    Do try the following to change your subtitle language:

    1. Log out from your account
    2. Clear your browser cache and cookies How do I clear the cache and cookies on my web browser?
    3. Close your current window, then launch a new window
    4. Log in to your Viki account
    5. Change your subtitle language with the steps here

    If the issue still persists after, do let us know:

    • Browser version and operating system. Click here to see all related information.
    • Does this occur even on another browser (eg. Firefox/Edge/Chrome etc.)
    • A screenshot/photo of video page that shows you selected English but you're still seeing Italian


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