
[Solved] Wondering why videos don't load automatically anymore on Viki app using Apple TV. It used to load next episodes automatically...

It will not load the next epsiode automatically it will automatic play the same epsiode 



  • Official comment

    Hi all!

    There is a new Viki version 2.9.2 released for Apple TV that should resolve this issue.

    Do update to that version and let us know if the same issue still persists after.

    Thank you,

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  • Hi there.

    We're sorry that you're experiencing this auto-play issue on Apple TV. Our team is aware of it and is working on fixing it quickly.

    We'll be leaving this ticket on-hold while we wait for a response from our team and will provide you with an update when possible.

    Hope this helps for now.


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  • I am also having the same problem. I saw that it was mentioned a few weeks ago but I tried again today and it seems that the problem has it been fixed yet. 

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  • Same issue for the last week for me.  Not able to advance to the next episode when watching on Apple TV.  I've tried removing the app and then reinstalling it, and still doesn't work.

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  • Hi all, 

    We have released an updated version of the Viki app that should resolve the autoplay problem on Apple TV. 

    Please update your application and make sure it's the version 2.9.1

    Do let us know if the problem persists for you after the update and we would be happy to look into it for you! 

    All the best, 

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  • Loaded the update and still not getting it to forward to the next episode.

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  • Hi all,

    We're aware that the issue still persists in version 2.9.1 and our team is looking into this again.

    Apologies for the confusion and we will update this thread once there are any new updates on the fix.

    Thank you,

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  • Same.  I have the latest version of the app and it is still not automatically going to the next episode. It just restarts the current episode again. 

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