
How can I get back to the old player?

I hate the new version SOOOO much. 

I miss the old episode pages.  And the waterfall comments.  Everything that was great about Viki has gone!

How can I go back?  And if it's not possible, please tell me what you're doing in response to the terrible feedback.

I know I'm not the only unhappy one...





  • Yes, I want some new features. Replicate old player. SO it looks and feels and does exactly the same as old player. But you can keep the name new player if you want.

    You must have been getting high and smoking crack, thinking timed comments covering 1/4 of the screen, menu bar covering 1/3 of the screen when you move mouse / pause/play video was a good idea. Literally CANNOT SEE anything.

    Even 6 meters away from 65" tv, the comments are too bold and big. And menu bar too big. Covering most of the video.

    And buggy. Missing next button, hiding menu towards end of video. A big joke. 

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  • I agree with this, although I cannot even get it on to my tv. on my laptop I do not care for other peoples comments and views. I am here because I want to watch a show or series, not some fan twitter and spoilers jibber on. Get rid of this feature, please?

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  • Ever since you introduced the new player, I have had problems. The sound track seems to be moving at a different speed than the video. Every 5 to 10 seconds, it "stutters" so the sound and video can sync. It is getting tiring. I have adjusted the speeds in, checked all my Google settings and even tweaked Windows 10, but nothing helps. Any suggestions.

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  • This new screen is shocking. I cannot access the next episode of the series and really am upset. PLEASE GET RID OF IT!!!

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  • Hi there,

    The option to switch back to the old player is no longer available as we have migrated to the new player.

    If there are any specific features you would like on the new player, please click here to visit Viki Ideas and submit a suggestion. You may also look through and find existing posts about the new player to add on to.

    If you need help or would like to report bugs about the new player, do share more details (screenshots included) to our Help Center at


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