[Closed] Why do I see ads? I have premier pass till July 2020 alva_nishimura_2 February 28, 2020 17:53 Follow I have premier pass till July 2020 why do I see ads? 1
I'm having the same problem; paid in full until October, 2020? I have sent several requests. Still having problem. Do they not a contact number where you can speak directly to someone who can assist in solving problems?
I’m disgusted with viki. Look at Netflix’s Crash on you and Navigate. Don’t trust Asian country for customer service.
Having same problem if this continues I will be forced to cancel my subscription.
Hi all,
Sorry to hear that you were experiencing issues accessing your subscription benefits.
As this involves Viki Pass, we've replied to each of you directly via the Help Center. Do respond there too should you need further assistance.
Thank you,
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