[Solved] 8 tries to log on, Site is running oddly, 500 dog errors moving from screen to screen - crashing??

Trying to log in via Google - and it took 8 tries.  I tried to move from mailbox to my profile, 500 dog errors x 2.  It is laboring even going that way.  I have reports from 2 other volunteers they are constantly getting logged off, 1 in USA, 1 in EU.  This appears to be widespread problem of some sort.  I am going to give up and come back in a few hours as it is clearly something happening here.


Help us Obiwan Kenobi....





  • Official comment

    Hi there,

    We're so sorry to read this. Our engineers have gotten back to us and the issue has been fixed. If you continue to experience this issue, please let me know!


    Note: To respond to this thread, please click on “View the post” in the email notification. Responses to the email notification will not update the thread and are not received.

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  • Hey! Same here! Same here!

    This is so frustrating. I tried every possible way there is! :(

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  • Same, since much earlier today. But only online. Roku is fine. 

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  • Before I couldn't log in I couldn't post timed comments, then the timed comments disappeared completely. Then the program wouldn't load at all. Then I couldn't log in but somehow I'm logged on to this section for support. Strange. Viki can you please update us? 

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  • Also people on the conversation section said there was something wrong there too. 

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  • Should be back to normal.


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