[NEW FEATURE] Night Mode
Can you make a night mode for the videos? There is so much bright white when watching videos in the dark. Thanks.
Can you make a night mode for the videos? There is so much bright white when watching videos in the dark. Thanks.
How do you disable Night Mode
I have the same question. It makes my eyes feel weird
did ya'll get rid of the option to disable night mode? not everyone likes night mode, so it'd be appreciated if you could enable back that option. thanks!!!
I prefer how Viki was before, this new platform it's so messed up.
Please! Dark mode is the future of the internet.
Will Viki support prefers-color-scheme?
Hi there dragocubed,
Thanks for writing in!
There are no plans for a customisable colour scheme at the moment.
No. You misunderstood me. I'm talking about a CSS media query here. prefers-color-scheme is something websites can support. Browsers tell the website what theme the user wants; dark or light (or no preference). It's already supported in Chrome, Safari and Firefox across platforms.
Um. Joshua?
Hi there dragocubed!
Thanks so much for clarifying. We'll bring this up to our product team and will provide an update as soon as we can.
i would also like to know where the disable night mode went. the dark background with white writing hurts my eyes. i cant find an option to turn the night mode off.
Looks like I'm not the only one having issues trying to disable this dark mode. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any solutions anymore?
I'm also curious how to disable Night Mode!
I'm so surprised that you actually told the developers! Thank you so much! :D
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