[Solved] Subtitles for Go Back Couple gone during episode
Watching Go Back Couple.
There are subtitles in Episode 1 and a few minutes into episode 2 they vanish.
If I watch on the website the subtitles are there.
No matter how often I go in and set it to english and always on, there is nothing.
What am I paying for?
Hello bossterbandit2010,
Thank you for reporting this. There was an issue with subtitles in Episode 2 of Go Back Couple, causing them to not appear on Roku.
I've fixed them and you should now be able to watch the episode with subtitles on Roku now.
Well I'm on episode 5 and this also has no subtitles.
Hi boosterbandit2010,
Thanks for letting me know about Episode 5 as well.
I've just fixed it and the subtitles should be back up now.
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