
[Solved] Can't get into either drama I'm working with to work with them - Ruyi and Perfect Couple so far.

I just tried to enter the sub or seg editor - either one - and both are licensed.  One is an on air, the other a regular on book.


Grey screen, "can't load video stream" and can't get in at all to either to work with them.


Help me, Obiwan Kenobi...



  • Official comment

    Hi guys,

    The issue has been resolved and Viki website should be back up and running again.

    If you're still experiencing problems, please let me know!


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  • NOW it's a 500 dog and ???? are we going down like drama fever just did? :(

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  • I cannot load anything either. Same with drama fever, with that one I cannot even get on the main screen. For this one it says there are no episodes for any of my shows. Nothing will load on my laptop or tablet. 

    Please help, I'm sure you guys on the other side are doing everything you can. Thank you for working hard. Hope it is up an running soon. 

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