[Solved] I'm being slowly compelled to cancellation
Viki is a daily part of my routine. I am a premium member. Which is expensive if you compare membership prices of dramafever and Netflix. But I have been a big fan ever since I first subscribed, and I liked everything about Viki.
However, I'm being slowly pushed to considering cancellation, because the app is not running well in any of my devices.
First, it stopped running on my Samsung Smart TV. I only get now a blue screen, with four smaller square screens, which are not clicable. Nothing happens. There were no updates. But I still had it running fine on my older Samsung tablet, which is Android 4.1. All of a sudden, for many titles, I get the message: this video is not available on mobile. That is really annoying. And when I try it on my newer tablet, which is a Philco with a more recent android version, I get a black screen with only subtitles.
So, I had to conform to watching stuff on my Samsung galaxy. Now, the image - on all videos, and no, not on other applications, so I don't think it's a problem with my phoe, the image is flickering non-stop.
What is happening? Help me.
Hello deborahdutra367,
As of 1 May 2018, we are no longer supporting the Viki app on Samsung Smart TV devices.
As of today, no fixes are expected on the platform and the app will no longer be available for download on the Samsung app store. We can recommend you other options to watch Viki from your TV, such as Chromecast, Roku, Apple TV, or using a HDMI cable. For more information, you can refer to viki.com/apps for a list of TVs and devices that we do provide full support to.
We are planning to build newer versions of the Viki app for more connected TV devices (including Samsung TV) in the future, but we're unable to provide a timeline for now, so please stay tuned to our Twitter feed and blog for the latest Viki updates and future releases!
Also, with regards to the problems with your Samsung tablets, we've made improvements to the Viki app to enable better video streaming experience, some videos might not work as well on the older app version.
As Android 4.1 is an older Android OS it might not be able to support the latest Viki Android app 4.17.0.
Please ensure your Android tablet OS is updated and that your Viki app has been updated to the latest version to watch shows.
If you continue to experience problems, please let me know so that we can further investigate the issue.
Deborah I agree I am as well. Viki has the most content, but has an extremely difficult time delivering it to their customers. I have recently found the response from Customer Support to be somewhat apathetic.
I was told without much research into the issue (even though I had to submit 3 tickets and DM Viki Support on Twitter twice to even get a response) that it was Samsung device and Oreo OS. Like you, I'm skeptical because somehow all my other streaming apps perform just fine. Then after all my trouble even getting a response, they closed my ticket in 24 hours--it took them 72 hours to respond!!! So now I would have to start the process over again.
After reviewing the links they sent me, and (I'll paraphrase) a message that basically said, it's Samsung not us, figure it out yourself, we don't care and have no plans to address the fact that a paying customer can't use our service, I don't think the links address my problem AT ALL... (Also who doesn't support streaming on mobile devices in 2018???!!! Especially when an app is available.)
I will offer you another bit of information... I have no problem with missing subtitles if I don't log in. As a Pass Plus subscriber, that feels wrong. I'm extremely skeptical that Samsung or the OS is the problem, and as a paying customer, I am extremely dissatisfied.
I think they are treating their paying subscribers shabbily. I think they feel secure because they have access to content it's difficult to get elsewhere, but if their "partners" get word that they can't fulfill what they promised, I'm sure someone who can execute better will step in as competition.
Viki, please realize that it's of no material difference if we can't view content than if you never provided the content at all. Your "competitive advantage" will be lost due to poor customer service and poor execution. Personally, I have until August before my subscription renews, and if this continues I'm canceling. I kind of hate Viki right now...
I'll be investigating subscribing to KOCOWA directly.
Hi joyh,
I'm dreadfully sorry that you feel this way.
The reason we told you that this is an OS issue was because several users have reported similar problems you're over the past few months. After investigating their reports, we found that this problem occurred due to incompatibility problems with the Samsung Oreo 8.0 OS with Samsung S8 and S8+ devices.
In this case, as this problem is outside the scope of our app, our advice is to go to the service centre as they will be better able to help with such problems.
However, if you prefer not to go to the service centre, we are also able to offer you the following suggestions that might be able to also help with the problem, although we cannot guarantee that they fix the issue:
How to Get Samsung Software Updates Faster Using Smart Switch
This was a tip given to us by another Viki user facing this same problem which she said fixed the problem for her
We'll also be glad to look further into the issue you're experiencing to double check if this issue in particular is related to an issue with the Oreo OS update. I've gotten back to your ticket and will require more details about the problem you're experiencing to double check that this is the case. I'll look forward to your response.
Kristie, thank you for your response, although it does not bring me much solace. You see, technology is not so easily affordable for me. A chromecast dongle will set me back R$200.
That aside, I do understand it is hard to keep maintaining different versions of software running for multiple formats and platforms. But not all your users are early adopters of technology, so some of us will fall behind and be forced out.
However, let me express my surprise to see that an Asian company (Rakuten, Viki) is turning its back on a fellow citizen, Samsung, in favor or an American original, Google.
To be honest, part of my motives for falling in love with K-drama - the reason for me to subscribe to Viki, was to turn away from the American cultural domination. I believe many other users are like me.
I know you yourself have no direct responsibility, but if you get a chance, pass the message up: do not americanize yourselves. Improve, but remain true to your origins. Culturally, technologically.
Hey deborahdutra367,
Thank you for sharing your feelings with us. We will certainly keep this in mind for further improvements.
Also, while we're definitely looking into building another Viki app for Samsung TV, this development will take time and isn't something that can be accomplished in the near future.
What I can recommend though, is that you can also try mirroring from your Samsung Galaxy device onto your Samsung TV. This article shares the steps on how you can try mirroring videos from your phone to your TV:
How Do I Mirror My Samsung Galaxy Phone’s Screen on My TV?
Thank you, Kristie.
I will look into it.
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