
[Solved] Responding time of the segment timer

I sometimes seg faster then the timer is able to register so sometimes I have to hit the space bar 2 or 3 times before it actually responds and makes the cut. But oh boy today it was a total Nightmare.

I segged "Rich Man" ep 9 part 1 and "what's wrong with secretary kim" ep 1 part 2. For Rich man it already was a disaster as the timer was very slow in responding but for "what's wrong with secretary kim" it was a complete nightmare! Sometimes I had to hit the spacebar 15(!) times before it finally made the cut, not to mention it also took ages it responded to the arrow keys to adjust the segments I made so in the end I just decided to make less adjustments because I just had enough of it all. And then we are not even talking about the moment the timer suddenly kicks you out when it thinks some segs overlap while you deleted one in the middle.

It seems to get stuck a little at this point (yes it was responding so slow I could even screencap it)


Please do something about it.



1 comment
  • Hello dudie,

    I've just emailed you requesting for more information about this issue.


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