[Solved] Money Flower 404 error
Hi, I started watching Money Flower early this morning, but when I went to episode 2 I got a 404 error and now I can't even seem to go back to episode 1 or the drama page at all without getting a 404 error. I was wondering if its broken or has just been removed from the website.
Thank you so much Kristie ! :D
Good day,
Hey matt1321111_237,
Thank you for reporting this issue to us!
We have notified the team and they are currently looking into the issue with Money Flower disappearing. We will keep you posted on when it gets fixed.
We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding, and sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you,
No problem, thank you for the response.
Hi again matt1321111_237,
Thank you for your patience and kind understanding.
We've fixed the issue and you should now be able to see Money Flower again :)
Now the page of Money Flower disapear. So my team (French team) can't work on it... We can't have acces to the main page of the drama...
Hi yorunome,
Thanks so much for letting us know.
The team is working on getting it back up as soon as possible.
Thank you for your answer. Now we have access of the main page, but we don't have access to the subtitle editor. It says this : This new video is being segmented and will be available for subtitling in 36 hours or less. But it's all segmented for a long time already.
Hey yorunome,
Thanks for letting us know about it.
The team is looking into it and we hope to resolve the issue soon.
Hi yorunome,
All episodes should be available for subtitling now.
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