
[Solved] Contribution details and all subtitling work have disappeared!

I have been contributing Esperanto subtitles regularly to the Korean Drama "Yon Pal" for 4 episodes now and I have almost reached Qualified Contributor status. When I logged-in to my account today (16.2.18), I noted that the entire record of my work and contributions has disappeared. On looking at the on-screen 4 episodes I have so far translated, I see that the subtitles have also disappeared from there.

I have spent quite a bit of time on these translations and I would be saddened to learn that all this work is now irretrievable. I don't know why this has happened in the first place!

Please advise. Thank you.



  • Official comment

    Hi everybody,

    Sorry about the problems, but I'm glad that everything's back to normal now.

    We experienced some downtime with the subtitles and the subtitling tools around 06:00 GMT last Friday for about an hour before the engineers got it back up.

    Thanks for your kind understanding!


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  • The same thing is happening me ! It's like I never contribute. I'm also the moderator of a few channels and I don't have access to the managing part. Though I have access to the subtitling editor, even while passing by there, I don't have access to the managing of the video. When I click on "manage video", I'm send on the home page of viki and the message "You are not authorized to access that page" appears.

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  • I just checked with a few other people that I know, and they have the same issue, and those that are moderators also don't have access to their channels.

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  • Sounds like something major is going on!


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  • I can't see any of the projects I'm working on, nor the contributions that I made -_-

    Hope this is temporary, but this has happened to me before when they introduced a new badge competition. 

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  • feyfayer, did you ever "get back" your work when it happened to you before?

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  • My details, etc have now been restored!

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  • Same for me ! Yeah !

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  • @emjay_966 yes I did, luckily!

     So if it happens again in the future, check if a badge event is going on, I think they ar e 'recording' everyone's beginning values. Just my theory though

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