[Solved] Contribution details and all subtitling work have disappeared!
I have been contributing Esperanto subtitles regularly to the Korean Drama "Yon Pal" for 4 episodes now and I have almost reached Qualified Contributor status. When I logged-in to my account today (16.2.18), I noted that the entire record of my work and contributions has disappeared. On looking at the on-screen 4 episodes I have so far translated, I see that the subtitles have also disappeared from there.
I have spent quite a bit of time on these translations and I would be saddened to learn that all this work is now irretrievable. I don't know why this has happened in the first place!
Please advise. Thank you.
Hi everybody,
Sorry about the problems, but I'm glad that everything's back to normal now.
We experienced some downtime with the subtitles and the subtitling tools around 06:00 GMT last Friday for about an hour before the engineers got it back up.
Thanks for your kind understanding!
The same thing is happening me ! It's like I never contribute. I'm also the moderator of a few channels and I don't have access to the managing part. Though I have access to the subtitling editor, even while passing by there, I don't have access to the managing of the video. When I click on "manage video", I'm send on the home page of viki and the message "You are not authorized to access that page" appears.
I just checked with a few other people that I know, and they have the same issue, and those that are moderators also don't have access to their channels.
Sounds like something major is going on!
I can't see any of the projects I'm working on, nor the contributions that I made -_-
Hope this is temporary, but this has happened to me before when they introduced a new badge competition.
feyfayer, did you ever "get back" your work when it happened to you before?
My details, etc have now been restored!
Same for me ! Yeah !
@emjay_966 yes I did, luckily!
So if it happens again in the future, check if a badge event is going on, I think they ar e 'recording' everyone's beginning values. Just my theory though
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