[Solved] Wrong Region!!!
I live in Europe but wiki does not let me watch dramas released to Europe.
PS: I always lived in Europe. No excuse, wiki!!!!!!!!
Hey Crystal,
This content was previously licensed in UK.
However, as licenses are only for a limited time, the license for this show has since expired. Hence, it's now showing the restricted access error message.
If you'd like to request this show in UK again, please fill up our content request form here. Our content licensing team will see it and do their best to acquire the title for you again.
We work really hard to license the shows that we get requests for but do know that as this is a difficult process it might not always be possible. To learn more about our licensing process, check out this blog post written by our CEO.
Hey crystalsz_409,
For us to troubleshoot why you're having problems watching some dramas, can you let me know the following information:
Hi Kristie,
Love Cheque Charge says: Restricted Access! Sorry, this content is not licensed for your region.
No buttons to push, just this error message. I live in the UK that is in Europe. The show is licensed to show in EU. So I just don't get what the problem is.
Thank you very much for your help.
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