We understand that you want to have different profiles on Viki. With the Viki Pass Plus, you can use up to 4 devices but only one profile.
This feature is not available but we're always looking for ways to improve the community's experience on our site, and your feedback goes a long way in educating us on what you need and what you'd like to see.
Feel free to contact us for other concerns via the Help Center.
Hi szijabeja_781,
Thanks for writing to Viki Community Support!
We understand that you want to have different profiles on Viki. With the Viki Pass Plus, you can use up to 4 devices but only one profile.
This feature is not available but we're always looking for ways to improve the community's experience on our site, and your feedback goes a long way in educating us on what you need and what you'd like to see.
Feel free to contact us for other concerns via the Help Center.
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