
[Closed] All of my reviews are gone

All of the reviews that I have left are missing in their entirety. I cannot see them on my personal page (it says I have not left any reviews) nor can I see them on the individual show pages.


  • Official comment

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for writing to Viki Community Support! 

    We understand that you're unable to view reviews at the moment. We will be reaching out to you privately via a ticket on the Help Center shortly so we can gather more information about this issue.

    Please help to respond there too as this post will be closed to prevent multiple requests confusion.

    Thank you,

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  • Why can't I fine my reviews? And why do I have to scroll down to fine my Watchlist?  Note on my reviews I just rate them this way it tells me if I have seen this drama. 

    Thank you

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  • Did have the same issues over the weekend (I was devastated cause over 200 reviews went missing!). Before that they were appearing and disappearing, and after the weekend it is like the last 10 are still missing.

    And those missing are changing on an hourly basis. 

    I guess they are working on their system or do have feneral problems, as partially one cannot see any reviews on the drama pages at all. There are some other issues, too, like watchlist positions and language swaps and so on...

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