
[Closed] Re-Opened ticket not read!

Hi there please read and fix the issue in my re-opened ticket from long time ago. The issue first was fixed and the problem is new again there.

ticket #1743153

I requested a cancellation of Mod position as explained in ticket, I was removed and now Viki put me there again, without notification. I cannot access the drama.
I re-opened ticket 22 days ago... please read it, much appreciated.

Great weekend, Sim



1 comment
  • Official comment

    Hello simi11,

    Thanks for reaching out to Viki Community Support.

    We've seen your ticket on the Help Center and it will be attended to.

    We’ll be closing this to prevent confusion of multiple requests. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us anytime at

    Have a great day! 



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