
[Solved] Subtitles out of sync with Chromecast

Hi, we’ve been experiencing issues with subtitles appearing out of sync with various shows when casted to a TV via Chromecast (Running Man, How Do You Play, Pasta, etc). Is this an issue on Viki’s end?


  • Official comment

    Hi all,

    The subtitle out of sync issue on Chromecast should be fixed for all devices including Android ones now. Please check that your Android Viki app is updated to Version 6.17.0 for the fix.

    If you're still seeing the same issue, please try the following first:

    If that does not resolve the issue, please share with us more information:

    1. The version of the Viki app or Chrome browser that you are casting from. 
    2. The device and operating system you are using.
    3. Do you see this issue even when you're not casting? i.e while watching directly on the app
    4. The specific show/episode number and timestamp with the issue. (Eg. Hotel Del Luna around 35:05)


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  • Please fix this already. It’s been going on for so long. I’m paying for viki plus and it’s frustrating that I can’t watch what I want to watch. It’s crazy, viki subscription is one of the most expensive subscriptions out there. It’s moment like this that makes me miss dramafever so much. Just bring back the app from tvs.

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  • I just cancelled my subscription. Its been over a month. Ridiculous that we’re getting this subpar service when we are subscribed to their most expensive subscription. So done with Viki.

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  • I am having the same subtitle sync issues as well. If it's not fixed soon, I'm considering to cancel my subscription.

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  • The whole reason I subscribed to Viki was because I could use chromecast to watch shows on my TV since I cannot put the Viki app on my TV and do not really like watching from my laptop. With the subtitles being off no matter what device I cast from is high infuriating, and I wish you would fix this problem as soon as possible. Viki has it's flaws yes, but I really do like this app and I don't want to have to switch to something else, so please please please, let me be able to watch my shows in peace again.

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  • I'm experiencing the same thing with the drama, Alice! The subtitles are extremely fast and hard to follow. The weird thing is that it doesn't happen with newer dramas that release new episodes. So weird!! :/

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  • Yes, this is happening when I Chromecast from both Android and iOS devices. But played from either device directly (not casting) there are no issues. And it seems to be for older episodes as well that I had watched before with no problems. 
    It’s like the subtitles start 5 seconds too early and remain that way for the entirety of an episode. Hoping to enjoy Viki from my TV again! 

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  • I'm having the same issue with every show I try to watch. Its really inconvenient to pay for a premium service and not have even basic functionality. Please fix this issue!

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  • So as of now, casting from the browser is also resulting in delayed subtitles for me as well.

    I prefer Chromecast for my viewing, and it was the major deciding factor in my subscription to Viki. An update of the progress or a timeline to restored functionality would be appreciated.

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  • This is STILL an issue that has not been resolved for over 1 month. I am watching How do you Play and the subtitles are still out of sync. It is really hard to follow along, and unenjoyable to watch. I pay for the premium subscription solely for Chromecast option, but it has had major issues recently (could not cast to Chromecast for several weeks). Viki should reimburse users for these issue since it has not been resolved in a timely manner. Are there any new updates you can provide??

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  • Subtitles on new episodes of Love Alice or Not are missing but are there and in sync on earlier episodes. Is there a delay in adding them? I have had a few cases of out of sync subtitles but most went away when I restarted the program.

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  • Hi Viki it will be almost 3 months. Taxi Driver already concluded, Kwangsoo already left Runningman and you still haven’t resolved this issue. 43 comments from different users and still no proper update. You had time to do cosmetic change to your platform from the last update but apparently no time to troubleshoot this issue. I guess customers are not your top priority. Or I guess our number is small enough that you can just disregard our concerns.

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  • Not enjoyable anymore if you cannot watch it on TV via chromecast. Subs not synching with Taxi Driver. They will suggest to watch it on your device. Wow. Not convenient especially if yours laying in bed, how many times my phone drop on my face when I get sleepy!

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  • Please fix this issue viki! It seems like chrome cast is a platform MANY paying customers are using and it’s a shame it stopped working. Even my airplay doesn’t work because the subtitles are off to the side even when I change my caption settings. It’s frustrating to watch it on my tiny phone screen when I’m paying to be able to watch it on the big tv. It’s been almost 3 months and I hope viki can fix this as soon as possible

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  • Viki. We demand an update on the status, not just, "we're aware of the issue"... we are your premium subscribers. Your attitude on this issue, which makes Premium content unwatchable, is unacceptable.

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  • I haven't either. I wrote up a ticket two months ago on the issue and no one responded back to that one ever.

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  • The out of sync early subtitles have been driving me crazy. Right now I have no other choice but Chromecast. What is the status of fixing
    I too am a paid subscriber... It worked fine for the longest time.

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  • I am a paid subscriber and I am having the same issue this needs to be corrected. I pay to watch on my television not my phone or iPad all the time. Can you at least provide an update on the status of how the issue is being worked? It has been 3 months since this issue was report this needs to be resolved now. VIKI what is taking so long.

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  • I also have sync issues with CC on chromecast. I plays fine on PC or Android, but as soon cast to chromecast the sync issues start. 

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  • I am also a paid customer. Please fix this for Chromecast. I enjoy watching on tv not small devices. This issue had been going on for far too long. I am on the verge of cancelling my subscription. We are not getting the full experience. I'm not even sure why this issue occurred. Please give us an update why this problem has been occurring and how much longer we have to wait.

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  • It would be nice if the techs or people working on this issue can keep customers regularly updated on how it's going. When can we expect this to be resolved? Will it ever be?

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  • Hi jennolae, jkong001_7, calla89 and everyone else,

    Seems like the issue still occurs when casting from the Android Viki app. We have informed our team to look into this again and will let you know once it is fixed for this.

    We appreciate your patience once again and do cast from your other non-Android devices in the meantime!

    Thank you,

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  • Clearing everything out and rebooting seems to have worked, and I checked several different Plus shows and it doesn't seem to be an issue any longer. Thanks!

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  • I've seen it in some eps of wok of love and so far sell your haunted house ep 1 and 2. But it seems to get corrected if I cast another ep then go back and cast the one I was seeing problems with.

    I also see it off sync more likely if I am just connecting the chromecast to viki. For example, I connected chromecast and cast sell your haunted house ep 1, saw it was starting off sync, stopped it and cast ep 2, it was fine, then went back to ep 1 and it was fine. After ep 1 was done, I continued straight to ep 2 and it was fine. I watched for a few min before stopping it. The next day I connected the chromecast to viki to continue sell your haunted house ep 2, and it was off sync again. I cast another ep then went back to where I left off on ep 2 and it was fine again.


    I just connected the viki to chromecast and started ep 3  and it was off sync, and from the episode list went straight to casting ep 2 then back to ep 3 fixed it again.  Has anyone else seen if this works for them too? 

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  • Some shows work now (albeit with issues that require a workaround, as stated above by several posters). The Plus shows that I have gotten to work - Running Man Classics, Wild Idol, The Veil. The Plus shows that I cannot get to work, no matter what I try - Running Man, Radio Star, How do you Play. So some are working, however they still have issues. And some are still permanently out of sync.

    I've been patient, but the large majority of shows I want to watch are "Plus" shows and that's where the issue lies, and it has been 5 almost 6 months I've been paying for a subscription I barely use. I understand these things take time, and it appears only Android users are still experiencing issues, but please get this figured out. It's incredibly tiresome not being able to watch shows I want to watch, that I pay a subscription to watch.

    Also @jkong001_7 I've experienced the same issue, with the same workaround.

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  • Hey JKong001_7
    I have also had to use that fix for the Veil also. I mean I've had Viki for 3 years now and having to use work around to get stuff to work isn't new. But it's really f*ing frustrating. At least with this work around I can watch the KOCOWA shows on my watch list that I haven't been able to for months. But, if it's on Netflix, I find I watch the show there just so I don't have to work so hard to watch. Even though the translations are pretty whitewashed and I miss the () explainations that the viki translation team provides.

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  • Also still having this issue. App was uninstalled and reinstalled.

    I've noticed it with all episodes of The Veil

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  • Hi all,

    We're sorry that you're experiencing this subtitle out of sync issue on Chromecast. Our team is aware of it and will be looking into it as soon as they can.

    In the meantime, we suggest watching directly on the app or at 

    Hope this helps for now and we will provide updates once available.

    Thank you,

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  • I’m also experiencing the same thing with Taxi Driver and Youth of May...only happens when I try to cast with my Chromecast.

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  • I also have been experiencing this issue for a couple of days now. Ive tried playing several different shows with the chrome cast, but all of them had subtitles that were out of sync. I hope this issue could be resolved soon. :(

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