Trouble with loading the show

I have been stuck for countless hours waiting for the loading screen to continue playing the show I was watching but there seems to be a problem with the loading. It just stays still. 



  • Hi eleanor_28

    We're sorry that you're experiencing issues with the web video player.

    To make sure this is not a browser issue can you please try the following first?

    1. Restart your home internet network. For more details - Helpful steps to troubleshoot video issues
    2. Log out from your account
    3. Clean the cache and cookies on your browser. - How do I clear the cache and cookies on my web browser?
    4. Close the browser and restart it again.
    5. If you're using Firefox, check that you have DRM enabled. [Menu > Preferences > Scroll down to 'Digital Rights Management (DRM) Content' and check the box to play DRM content]
    6. Log back into your Viki account
    7. Try again from another browser (eg. Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Safari)

    If you're still experiencing the same issue after, please comment and share with us:

    • Does this issue occur on all browsers you have?
    • If you are using Firefox browser, have you selected the DRM check box?
    • Your internet speed. Please share with us the download speed by going to this website.

    We will follow up via a ticket on the Help Center after.

    Thank you,

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