
[Closed] Subtitles Frozen

PROBLEM: A single subtitle appears and simply freezes.

I use the Web version of Viki using Edge as the browser.  When I turn on a show, a single subtitle shows up and never changes. I've tried clearing cookies and the web cache, and I've also logged off and back on again. This problem persists regardless of whatever show I turn on. I've only subscribed to this service for less than a month and until today the subtitles worked just fine.

If I change to another language, say from English to Spanish, once again a single subtitle shows up in the new language and never changes.

QUESTION: Does anyone know if using the Chrome web browser instead of Edge would solve this issue? I'd prefer not to download and install Chrome if the subtitle issue is also a problem in Chrome.





  • Official comment

    Hi all,

    A fix has been released for this subtitle issue.

    If you're still facing the same problems, do follow this post for more help and updates as this duplicate topic would be closed.

    Thank you,

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  • I'm having this issue too and have never seen this problem before.

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  • I am having the same issue and I am using Edge. Also, I never see this problem before



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