[On Hold] Different versions of Viki depending on Vikipass and the location / or adding more tags for Newly added episodes, currently on air, coming soon


1. What?

-Different Viki website versions for

  • "Without Vikipass",
  • "Vikipass standard",
  • "Vikipass plus",
  • "in your country with Vikipass standard", (licensed, watchable in your country)
  • "in your country without Vikipass". (licensed, watchable in your country)

-Or just 2 versions of Newly added episodes, currently on air, coming soon

-or a "Viki pass standard" tag function in Newly added episodes, currently on air, coming soon pages.

-And more tags in Search function (like the Vikipass standard tag that we have): "Without Vikipass", "Vikipass plus",  "in your country with Vikipass standard", "in your country without Vikipass".


2. Why?

- Because we're lost (viewers and volunteers) and we lose time to click on each drama on these categories and find that it's not in our country or no access because of Viki pass standard/ Viki pass plus => User-friendly, less complaints, gain of time, pertinent infos 

-Because instead of using the Search function each time and select the right categories = > Gain of time and user-friendly. It's like changing language settings every day for each drama.


A screen when we click on Currently On Air on the homepage of Viki: https://www.viki.com/on_air

The first page for a Viki pass standard located in France: we can only watch 1/12 dramas showing up on this page (and I didn't show following pages). We have to click on each title to read "Restricted access" and find the right ones (watchable).

3. Where?

-On account settings https://www.viki.com/settings#account-settings we can pick Viki website version for:

  • "Without Vikipass",
  • "Vikipass standard",
  • "Vikipass plus",
  • "In your country with Vikipass", (licensed, watchable in your country)
  • "in your country without Vikipass". (licensed, watchable in your country)

- Or on account settings: "Show your Viki homepage with Vikipass standard dramas only" 

-"Show your Viki homepage only in your country Vikipass standard dramas only" (so we can see new episodes that we can actually watch and not episodes where we click and there's nothing to watch, it's happening a lot. It's the same problem for upcoming dramas or currently on air) 


-And add these tags in Search function too:

  • "Without Vikipass",
  • "Vikipass plus",
  • "In your country with Vikipass",
  • "In your country with Vikipass standard".

Thank you!



1 comment
  • Official comment

    Hey piranna,

    I'm moving this to the Bugs & Issues section instead, since after investigation, this is in fact, a bug.

    Shows that are not available in your region, should not show up at all on your homepage and on the Explore page.

    I've brought this up to the team and they will be looking into it.


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