
[Closed] Why do air dates keep changing.?

It is frustrating that the air dates are so unreliable.  Cheer Up was supposed to air today then 20 minutes ago it changed to 8 days from now.  What is happening?



1 comment
  • Official comment

    Hi debfullersmail_998,

    Thank you for getting in touch with Viki Community Support!

    We apologize for the air date change for the On-Air show "Cheer Up". We don't often have much control over this, and we must abide by the wishes of the content owners who make these decisions.

    You can follow a show on our app (Android or iOS) to get notifications whenever a new episode is released and/or subtitled.

    You can find the list of On-Air shows available on Viki here.

    Hope that clarifies! If you have other concerns, feel free to contact us back. Have a great day! 

    Thank you,


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