Customizable subtitles for PC & TV apps
I was happy to find out we can finally customize subtitles via Viki's mobile App. Are you planning to add this feature to browser and other apps (TV, FireTV etc.)?
[Solved] Lawless Lawyer situation
LL is a cable drama how come Viki is the Channel Manager and this drama is supposed to only have English subtitles? I thought only Kocowa dramas had subs provided by the content provider.
Promo sale
Who thought this terms/restrictions were a good idea? Since I don't own a credit card (no idea why you still offer only ONE payment method via web browser) this sale is useless for me as a "would ...
[Solved] Comments not showing up under discussions tab in Viki App
Just noticed a new problem with the Android App. On drama channels and videos both discussions tabs are empty and I can't see any comments. Here is a screenshot for better understanding: Link