[On-hold] Go Go Squid can't watch ep 11, 38 and 41
Hi,In the comments section of Go Go Squid, some viewers can't watch these episodes.In my case, I can watch them without problem on computer.https://www.viki.com/tv/36059c-go-go-squidBest regards,Th...
[On-hold] Viki disqus
Hi, I can't read Disqus replies to my messages anymore. I see a red number on Viki page for Disqus but when I click on it: It shows me messages for about 5 sec, Then it becomes blank. I tried to ...
[Closed] Picking CMs problems
Hello, I don't know how to say it, but in the choice of picking CM, can you pick people who knows how the process of segmenting > subtitling > editing in English > releasing for other languages > e...
[Solved] Every Disqus comment I type is automatically deleted
Hello! I have a problem with Viki disqus, I can't post any comment, because each time I'm posting, it got deleted after a few seconds or after refreshing the page, I tried 5 times for one comment s...
[Closed] Adding missing actors
Hello, An actor has been confirmed for a drama, can you update the actor section of this drama so it's correct? The channel is: https://www.viki.com/tv/35745c-about-time?q=about%20time The confirme...
[Solved] English synopsis not in the base
Hi, On the channel manage page, in the Channel info, in the English description that we want to update: - When we want to update it, there's no "English" language pick among the existing descriptio...
Do I need to be QC to subtitle on this channel?
Hi, My question is more general for fan channels and upcoming channels. 1) Can we know if the channel will be available to QT, QC or QC gold? (Before license and in the case it's an upcoming chann...
[Solved] Error for the broadcasting period
Hello, This channel has a funny date as broacasting period such as 04-20-0014, is it possible that someone from Viki changes it? https://www.viki.com/tv/35745c-about-time?q=about%20time Thank you!
Adding more functions to Viki inbox
Hi, 1.What? -Adding more functions to Viki inbox How: -Function search: so we can type words -Function "Create files" to tidy up mails -Drafts, save drafts -Repertory: our contacts that we add, lik...
Let the real time on messages on Viki mailbox, on Viki Community Support topics
Hi, 1.What? -Let the real time on messages on Viki mailbox, on Viki Community Support topics. How? -Putting the date just next to "X minutes" ago for instance, -On the mailbox home: put filters: ...