finally completely fixed with latest update explore now has categories they did not care to tell us so i am posting here you may need to manually update.
@Iumbrella_ think they are still working on adding genre filters but this is a start i hope.
I’m happy to report that with the latest Roku app update which you may have to initiate manually going to setting system and system update After many many months of agonizing Vicki seems to have li...
Michelle (CX) We have a bigger issue you now with the update today now the application will not even load the gui before crashing to home screen,
Michelle (CX) Anything new it has been another long time please help ?
pvdg42_463 note this new update only fixes continue watching and next episode features and not the GUI
pvdg42_463 select the app in the menu then press * with the app highlighted
I actually think standard viki pass should be eliminated and plus should be the only option and reduced to 70 USD yearly
I am on Vivaldi which is currently based off of chromium to 80.0.3987.136