[Solved] Where can I find the cast icon in the new player?
I cannot cast from Google Chrome, Firefox or any other webbrowser since the casting icon seems to be gone in the new player?! Or am I blind? Hopefully this will be fixed soon if there is really no ...
The Coming Soon Bug, please give it a higher priority!
I decided to make this post in the hopes Viki finally gives this issue a higher priority so it will be fixed after 3+ months! Yes I wrote the help center but they marked it as solved while it isn’t...
Please remove teasers, clips and previews from the project finder.
I noticed that last week I received some many messages from the project finder from people who want to work on trailers, teasers, previews etc from COMPLETED projects. Can Viki please remove those ...
[Solved] Responding time of the segment timer
I sometimes seg faster then the timer is able to register so sometimes I have to hit the space bar 2 or 3 times before it actually responds and makes the cut. But oh boy today it was a total Nightm...