Video Playback Speed Option

Hello, I am a “Huge Fan” of Asian Dramas and Some Movies. The problem is I am ‘hard of hearing’, so most of the time I am using my hearing ability and ‘subtitles’ also in English. In years of watch most Asian cinema or shows, including movies and shows from India and Pakistan, and other Asian shows. I watch most Asian dramas from China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and More. What I learn is most Asian Cultures speak very fast. This can be a problem for people like me who can’t hear well. So if they talk fast and subtitles goes fast its a problem. One of my favorite Asian apps “iQlYl” helps to fix this problem for people like me. It has a excellent user friendly application in every way. It offers subtitles, options or features for Blu-ray 4K, 1080 P, or M, 720 P or M, 480 P or M. Also my favorite feature is the speed option, 2.0x, 1.5x, 1.25x, 1.0x which is default and my favorite speed level is 0.75x. That is just some of the great features in this app. I started out with Rakuten Viki Several years ago, watching it on my tv, for the most part and on my device other times. Since then I found several other Asian apps I like. But so far “Viki” and” iQlYl” are my favorite. Please, please, please “Viki” upgrade and get with the program of the needs and convenience of your customers and clients in order to progress to be the best. I love Viki, it’s my first love of Asian dramas. But it look like soon “iQlYl” will win my favor with all the neat features band trimmings. Please fix this for me, and make a long time customer happy. Thank you Viki. With kind regards, Happy for Viki


21 Kommentare
  • I have same problem with video speed plz add video playback speed option

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  • I would also very much like playback speed options. I sometimes watch things available on Viki on other platforms (Netflix, IQYI, YouTube, Gagaoola, Amazon) BECAUSE I can watch at my preferred speed.

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  • I just submitted the same request I to watch iq and love .75 and if viki doesn't catch up I will stop paying and just use that money to upgrade my iq subscription to ultra premium and even though I may miss some viki originals on their channel I know it will be shared by someone on another channel so I won't be missing out I would just have to be patient which is no problem for me if it means I will get to read at my pace and actually enjoy the show so viki please step up your game otherwise you will be losing valuable customers

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  • I am dyslexic, so I struggle reading subtitles at the normal 1.0x speed, they go too fast and I miss a lot of the conversations, 0.75x I have found to be the perfect speed. Please Viki add playback speed options. I was going to subscribe, but now I will not since this option isn’t available. I’ll just find content elsewhere that has playback speed options.

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  • We are in march 2023 and the problem hasn't been fixed yet. It's such a shame. If this continues, Viki would be loosing a lot of of subscribers. Not being able to enjoy watching on Viki after making payments is not worth it in the end. Please fix this Viki Rakuten.

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  • I also want to put in my vote for being able to control playback speed. Please consider making this upgrade to the platform.

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  • Yes, please Viki, please add a video playback speed option!  Subscribers have many reasons for wanting to watch content at a faster, or slower speed (language learning, dyslexia, eyesight challenges, ADHD).  Netflix and YouTube allow this, and I tend to use them more for this reason.   I would definitely use  Viki more if I had this option.    This change would make using Viki a more equitable and inclusive experience for your subscribers--and more enjoyable.  Thank you!

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  • If you found yourself on this discussion to see any updates, please submit your ideas requests to Viki! If we get enough people to submit their request, i.e. playback speed, they will see a demand and try to make the change for all of us (i hope) :).

    As of now, I have been using a chrome extension which works on any HTML5 video, and it's been a gamechanger for me who has severe ADHD and needs the subtitles options and the playback speed! 

    Happy streaming and of course please support your favorite actors, actresses, sub teams, & etc by watching your shows on Viki:) 

    Hope this helps! 

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  • Hello Viki Rakuten and others here like me.  

    The other day I took a chance to download your app again, because of my love of "Asian Dramas and Movies" All asian shows. I was advised thru email to come here to put in a vote or idea. 

    Imagine my shock and surprise when I saw under the search of "Playback Speed" was my very own previous post from one year ago this May coming up. I had no idea it was posted here still and with 8 or 9 posts and 18 votes. I was so extremely happy to see the response to my post here and others were requesting the same. Well, shouldn't this post move you by now to start working on this for your clients, the same people who are paying for your bills and cost for a living. People are requesting this even now today like myself a year later. One person said "With all the subscribers" you have waiting or needing english subtitles and because they have to read these titles it takes time to read. Asian people or cultures dialect is already fast enough, much less trying to read it faster then the words or coming out. Although it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that these shows and movies are made for Asian speaking people, still the majority of your followers and viewers are people from all over the world, that is enjoy watching asian drama shows too. Shouldn't  "Viki" honor and respect that fact alone??? Please just implement this feature into the application and give true followers, true joy and pleasure. Isn't time for an upgrade to this application that might as one person puts it bring millions of other viewers and followers because they can now not only read the captions in their language but also at a pace they are comfortable with. Other applications has already jump on the band wagon and became successful in their business and app, YOUTUBE, iQlYl, Tencent, AsianCrush and so on. Why not YOU??? Please add this in for people like me who have to read captions because they can't hear or hearing of hearing or other audio problems. THANK YOU!!! A VIKI FAN!! AKA hpphp5vt86_359

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  • Please add this feature, it is deterring me from using Viki over other streaming platforms.

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  • Hi. Like the rest here Viki. I would like to have video speed feature installed. Surely you all would know about this request since all of us have been asking . Can it be none of VIKI management team read this? . Many reasons why we would like this choice to be available. Every other platforms have this feature. Please consider. It is turning me off as well from using VIKI.

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  • I agree.

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  • Same problem here. My hand has started twitching in pain from  grasping the remote so I can quickly  click on pause  when a long  sentence or a double line sentence pops up. If I can stop the video in time then I can read the sub-title.... well, sort of. You see, when the drama is paused, the scroll line pops up right over  the sub-title, unless it's a short line underneath the scroll line. If I wait long enough, sometimes the things covering the screen will disappear. But, usually not. And that's a lot of pausing and  waiting when you have to stop a LOT to read those lines.  Then  there's the rewinding to catch the last two or three words  at the end  of that quickly passing long sentence.  And sometimes, in  my hurry to pause a subtitle, I accidently, and  unknowing how I did it, I manage to click out of the episode.  And now,!!!!!!!!   I am being covered with suggestions for Up and Coming dramas,  and invites to revisit and complete an unfinished drama.  Like I don't know how. Is THIS really necessary?!!! Especially in the middle of a query? I appreciate VIKI, BUT sometimes there's just tooo much 'help' and not enough for the things we need addressed  most. Oh! And one last thing, please.   Could you give the viewer the opportunity to adjust the size of the subtitles.  I sit too close tot he TV as it is, just to read the small letters. Same thing is true while reading  the introduction or synopses. I have a large screen TV and still have trouble seeing words.

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  • Dear Viki,

    I'm also posting this request today, nearly 2 years after the OP.

    PLEASE add a playback speed setting.

    Thank you!

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  • Love the playback speed option. I'm considering of cancelling the service

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  • I have only been on Viki for a while and the only thing that I dislike is the fact that the playback speed option is not avaliable here but on Netflix and other streaming services. It's very much needed. 

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  • I agree! Viki, please consider adding this! All of the other streaming platforms have this option!

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  • Yes, please add the playback speed option. It's a must for a modern-day streaming platform. 

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  • Yes, please add this option. It's really annoying to not have it.

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  • It's 2025..still no playback speed option🥲

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  • I am also waiting for Viki to add this, it’s been way too long

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