
[On-hold] Learn Mode subtitles "My Love from the Star" STILL out of sync

I found a post from November 18, 2019 (!!!) that brought up the issue of Learn Mode subtitles for "My Love from the Star" being out of sync.

They are still out of sync one year and two months later. The moderators reply with a standard "we cant give an estimate when this is fixed" because it's not a priority.

Please make it a priority. This show is in the top popular shows for this current week and even when you sort by all time popular shows. What's the point of Learn Mode if you knowingly leave it in an unusable state for the most popular shows for more than a year?



  • Offizieller Kommentar

    Hi there,

    Thanks so much for following up on the Learn Mode out of sync issue.

    After much consideration, I'm afraid that issues with Learn Mode will not be fixed anytime soon. We are however, working on prioritizing sometime later and we will let you know once that happens!

    We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and understanding.


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