[Closed] New dramas :tale of nine tailed and more than friends won't load
Hello, these new dramas won't work on my computer when I am logged with my account ( who has a viki pass), I already tried to switch on all the browsers I have, deleted cookies, logged out and logged in. But I won't work.. I had the same issue with the drama:while you're sleeping but never found a way to solve it. Also, when I logget out and tried to create a new account, it worked perfectly ( besides the fact that it wasn't the account where I have viki pass). Please help me 😭
Hi there,
We're sorry to hear that you're experiencing problems watching those titles on Viki.
Could you share the following so we may better troubleshoot your issue?
Additionally, could you try to lower your video quality settings here (General Settings > Playback) to see if it helps?
Thank you,
This what happen when I try to watch these dramas, and it is like that literally for every 2 seconds.
It happens to all the episodes of tale of nine tailed (1 episode) , more than friends ( 2 episodes) and while you're sleeping (16), so basically to all the episodes of these dramas that are already out.
I already tried to change the quality video( I tried it twice already on 2 different days to be sure) but it didn't work. Also I checked if it was my internet, but it works perfectly fine since the episodes work when I am not logged in ( with the ads) and sites like YouTube works very well.
So I hope you can help me, thank you very much.
I am currently watching the sound of Providence, Guardian, Alice and missing :the other side. And they work fine!
I thought, it was about the new dramas but obviously no, since Alice, The Sound of Providence and missing:the other side are all "new"
Hello liantsoa,
Thanks for sharing more information.
We will be reaching out to you via a ticket on the Help Center shortly so as to gather more information about your device.
Please help to respond there too as this post will be closed to prevent multiple requests confusion.
Thank you,
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