
[Closed] Can't find the Timeline Mode for comments


I'm an avid reader of comments when watching kdramas. Like I read every single comment. That's why I was so thrilled when Viki introduced the Timeline Mode. However, I can't find the mode anywhere. I checked yesterday and today. I had some of my friends check as well, and they couldn't find either. Is this a temporary issue, or will Viki be removing the mode?



  • Hey there!

    The side-bar Timed Comments board, better known as Waterfall mode, is no longer available on our website. You can learn how to turn Timed Comments on and off here:

    If you'd like to request for the feature, you can do by writing a post on Viki Ideas!

    The way Viki Ideas works is that the higher the votes for an idea, the more it will be prioritized. So please look around and upvote the other ideas you see that you want implemented on Viki.
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