Subtitles cease halfway through episode

The English subtitles ceased halfway through episode 9 (near the 26 minute mark, +/-) in My Secret Romance.  The subtitles are not available on any episode of this series, past episode 9.  The music subtitles continue briefly, but the character dialogue in subtitles ends.



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    I'm sorry that the video you want to watch hasn't been subtitled yet.


    We don't actually translate or subtitle content ourselves; instead, our passionate volunteer community (people like you!) subtitle content on Viki. You can learn more about our volunteer community here.


    When subtitles for a video don’t appear or are incomplete, the community has not finished with the subtitling yet. But don't worry, they'll get to it very soon!


    You can check a video if it has been completely subtitled by referring to the subtitle completion percentage at the bottom of the video thumbnail. Follow the channel to get mobile notifications from the Viki mobile app when subtitles are completed. For more details on how to do this, please refer to this FAQ.


    If you wish to request subtitles for a particular show, you can also fill out this form and we'll do our best to make it happen.


    If you have any other questions, please let me know.




    Viki Community Team
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  • Please look up this information:

    A dialogue needs to be heard (sometimes more than once) by the subtitler to create the subtitles ...

    Music lyrics stay the same and are used repeatedly, so once noted down, they can be added even by the segmenters, if they know the song.


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