[Solved] Roku app
Roku app closes immediately when starting to play an episode. Tried several from My Husband, Mr. Oh!. . No problems yesterday.
Tried unplugging roku but problem still happened when it restarted.
Hey guys,
Sorry for the issues you were experiencing with the Roku app!
We've just released a fix for the issue.
To fix it, please take the following steps:
Also, as there's multiple threads open for this issue, I've closed this thread. If you continue to experience issues, please update on the Viki on Roku not working thread.
Try now it is working for me.
You may have to reload the app: "If you still experience the same problem, please update the app via Settings > System > System Update > Check Now."
Yea same here and saw others having same issue, must be a server issue.
Urgh...I just bought a new roku stick...unable to play....when I click on the takes me back to roku home screen....if anyone knows a solution please let me know thank you
Same....reloaded app also and nothing.
Same here. I also posted about it and haven't heard a thing back which is also strange. Anyone know what's going on?
No but I hope it gets fixed asap...I just spent $90 on my new roku and for dang sure it ain't that :((
Sweet....thank you so now
nope Found the answer when I did a Google search.
Victoria up above - thanks for the link - in other words, Viki is saying too bad roku customers, you have to wait until we decide you are as important as our other customers - i.e. Apple box, et al - to bother with you, since apparently not having big box stores like Costco feature rokus on the store floor as a 'hot item' product, you will have to find other ways - i.e. use your teeny tablet rather than watch it on a decent television sized screen - or subject yourself to the computer when I warrant that most working people who are subjected to a computer screen during their working hours have no DESIRE to have to come and stare AGAIN at a computer screen just to watch a viki episode. At least I do NOT. Thanks Viki for treating your roku people like substandard customers!
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