
[Solved] Missing subs

The English subs are missing at the 28 minute point in May Queen episode 37. 






  • Offizieller Kommentar

    Hey victoria63645_984,

    Thanks for reporting this!

    There was an issue that was causing the English subtitles to break halfway on Roku.

    We've just fixed it and the subtitles should not appear after the 28 min mark on the video!


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  • I notice that fighter of destiny is not subtitled in last half of episodes....disappointing....

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  • Hi fattendantaa_818,

    We don't actually translate or subtitle content ourselves; instead, our passionate volunteer community (people like you!) subtitle content on Viki. You can learn more about our volunteer community here

    As we only just acquired the series Fighter of the Destiny a while back, and there's a large amount of episodes to be subtitled, 52 episodes in total, that can take a few hundred consecutive hours of work to subtitle completely.

    Please understand that the volunteer community is doing their best to complete the subtitles for the show but this is a tedious process and will take some time.

    If you'd like to expedite the process, please fill out this form and we'll do our best to make it happen. 

    We'd greatly appreciate your patience and kind understanding.


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