
Official statement about subtitles for vikipass subscribers

Clearer statement for vikipass purchasers

There should be a way to minimize the flood of comments saying "I'm paying so why aren't there no subs yet". by stating clearly that vikipass does not include subtitles. I know subtitles are not mentioned, but for many people they are implied, so it should be made clearer. 

1. Include it in the vikipass info page here on Help Center.

Add this sentence:

"Vikipass does not guarantee subtitles. Subtitles are a service provided by volunteers for all users, both free users and for subscribers. Viki provides the platform and the tools, but generally does not take any part in the subbing process, unless there is a specific technical or other issue.
A vikipass subscription or lack thereof has no relation to the availability of subtitles or the time of their completion. 
Although most shows will be subbed in English within 24 hours or less of uploading and a few days after in some popular languages, there is no guarantee about the exact time when this will happen or that you will find subtitles in your language. 

2. Make a separate article in this subscription page here

Article name: Does vikipass cover subtitles?

A vikipass subscription or lack thereof has no relation to the availability of subtitles or the time of their completion.
Subtitles are a service provided by volunteers for everyone being able to view the shows, whether they are free users or vikipass subscribers. Viki provides the platform and the tools, but generally does not take any part in the subbing process, unless there is a specific technical or other issue. 
Although most shows will be subbed in English within 24 hours or less from uploading and soon after for some popular languages, there is no guarantee about the exact time when this will happen or that you will find subtitles in your own language. 

There may be times such as holiday season, school exam season, weekends etc. or a particular drama with lots of specialized jargon, when subtitles may take a little longer than usual.  Viki cannot force volunteers to work nor ask of them to follow deadlines. Posting requests and hate comments is not going to help in any way.  We suggest you wait by watching one of the many other dramas which are already subbed. 

3. Include this on the drama's main page and every episode page.

Subtitles are provided by the volunteer community for all viewers, both free and vikipass holders. The completion percentage, time of release and quality of subtitles depends solely on the volunteers, viki can not guarantee any of these. A vikipass subscription or lack thereof has no relation to the availability of subtitles.
Posting requests and angry comments is not going to help in any way.  We suggest you wait by watching one of the many other dramas which are already subbed. 

 Why should viki be interested in granting this request?


I am a grown adult, and I know that companies who want to promote a product usually stress its benefits, not the things their product "doesn't" offer. 

But believe me, doing this clarification will also benefit you.

1. All those angry comments complaining that you tricked them are surely driving away new potential customers.  We are in the age of the Internet, everyone reads comments and reviews before buying something. Put yourself in the shoes of someone who is thinking of subscribing. Why buy Vikipass or Plus when everyone in every comment section is complaining they don't get something they think they're paying for? 
If you think that by failing to mention the fact that the subscription does not impact the subs you are attracting more customers, think again. The misunderstanding is only causing issues and discontent among your customers. 

2. Yes, as a result of this clarification, some won't choose vikipass so let's say that you will lose some potential subscribers. But there will be less angry subscribers who cancel it after a month and badmouth you, too, here and elsewhere. The ones who do stay will appreciate the good communication and they will trust you for not wanting to "trick" them. Long-term customer satisfaction is ultimately a greater benefit. 



  • All in all, I agree that it should be clearer for Viki pass prospective and current clients who still ask 'why there are no subtitles while I'm paying":

    => talking about volunteers, talking about restrictions, talking about licensing, talking about Kocowa (everything that can explain "why there are no subtitles while I'm paying").

    => On the VIki pass page, it shoud be made clearer: https://www.viki.com/pass?action=gifts&locale=fr&origin=player_overlay

    => When they want to suscribe for example (before entering payment info), it should be presented correctly (not at the bottom of the contract or in tiny letters) because it's an enough important info to decide if the consumer will buy it or no.

    => When they suscribed and at each reniewal of their Viki pass, reminding them when telling them about this reniewal (mail).

    Now, how it should be said... Good luck to Viki!

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  • Aos colegas de todas as línguas.

    Acho que o usuário pagante não fica só aborrecido por não ter o drama legendado no seu idioma... o problema é maior. Dramas antigos abandonados por seus "Gerentes de Canais" e "Moderadores" são frustrantes, isso sem falar nos recentes onde encontramos dramas com só alguns episódios legendados em português. Sou QC Gold e a minha intenção de legendar foi exatamente essa: traduzir dramas que estavam incompletos na língua portuguesa-BR. Mas, infelizmente, as expectativas não foram correspondidas, num total de 20 mensagens enviadas aos respectivos QC e Moderadores, apenas 1 QC me respondeu dizendo que eu devia entrar em contato com o "manager" (há 5 meses que esse manager não responde).
    Como QC fico frustrada e como pagante estou zangada. Sei que não é fácil ficar horas legendando e no final não ter nenhum reconhecimento, só a satisfação de ter contribuído com prazer. Daí fica a pergunta: Quem pode melhorar isso? Nas atribuições do Gerente de Canal, deveria haver mais responsabilidades sobre o término completo do drama a ele atribuído? Não está na hora de alguém fazer alguma coisa sobre isso, ou, é melhor não mexer nesse vespeiro?


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  • @irmar I stumbled upon this by accident on viki.com/pass that is under the column of VikiPass Standard:

    Subtitles are not available in my language after getting Viki Pass

    Viki’s subtitles are contributed by our passionate community of volunteers, who create high quality subtitles in multiple languages! When subtitles for a video don’t appear or are incomplete, it usually means that the community has not finished subtitling yet. 

    To check the subtitle completion percentage for a particular episode, you can visit the video you want to watch, then select your preferred subtitle language on the video player. 

    Read more (to click on this link: https://support.viki.com/hc/en-us/articles/115009896968)

    I think it's also the impatient viewers who do not explore the rules of this website, if one wants to find some information about Viki, I believe there are many roads to find it. Viki has posted this in several places.

    You know, it's like the small print that no one reads :)



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  • @simi11, I don't think that this addresses the issue at all. 

    It says that subtitles are done by volunteers, and it will be ready when it shows 100%. That's all.  

    And this could be a nice explanation even for free users who also wonder why the subtitles are not ready. 

    I mean, people after reading this may still ask "yes, but why are they so slow?" Or "Why on this older show the episodes have never been completed?"  If I am paying vikipass, shouldn't I have something more than others?

    It says nothing about the non-connection of vikipass with the volunteers' subtitles.  It might be argue that it's inferred, and people should read between the lines. But that's not enough at all!

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  • I fully second this point. It's not only the costumers that will read comment, it's your license partner as well.

    People will argue with you why subtitles are not among the benefits, they will argue as if a car dealer sold them a vehicle without engine. They can't use a product that has no subtitles, for them it's like giving an adult a child's picture book. It's not that I can't understand them, when they say why would I buy something what I do not stand a chance to understand without subtitles. There is no trust in Viki, when you just stoically go your way, telling what is included and think that's it. 

    I try to tell them always read the contracts you make properly, but guess sometimes the desire to watch some content they can't view without a pass gets the better of them. And then they see subtitles unfinished here and there. They will lose the trust in the product a second time. With the fear in mind one sold me something that isn't there, meaning the subs, and those who should bring subtitles won't do it at all/not fast enough/incomplete ... I can't imagine that these business methods are good on the long run. Maybe it's an American/European standpoint, where transparency is a real asset for a customer. I don't know.

    I just wished the information about subtitles should be right there were the Viki pass options are explained.

    From this point of view I don't see this topic as completed like Viki seems to think of it.

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  • I have already paid for a subscription it’s the basic and the subtitles of just stop working on all the programming I’m interested in I’ll check the filter and it does say English I am not having a problem with any other app I am so disappointed this is not a cheap app it’s expensive I will not be renewing unfortunately I just bought it less than a month ago for a whole year and nobody is returning my emails I have tried everything on my end to get the English subtitles to work they’re just not coming through

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