[Closed] Learn Mode word pronunciation audio not working anymore


it looks like I have the issue that I can't play the pronunciation audio when I click on a word in Learn Mode. The speaker symbol stays greyed out instead of being pink and if I wait for about 20 seconds or more, the word translation also disappears and I get  prompted with "Oops! There's a problem, please try again later."

I started rewatching "Go Go Squid / 亲爱的,热爱的" and at first, about five days ago, everything worked normally, but now the pronunciation audio isn't working. I also tried "A Love So Beautiful" and "You Are My Destiny" and it isn't working there either, but it seems to work on "Melting Me Softly" I don't know why.

I tried using Microsoft Edge and Firefox instead of Chrome but it isn't working.  I tried wiping the browser cache and restartet my router and checked if I have network problems but everything seems normal. I could watch without the pronunciation audio but I don't know why it doen't work all of a sudden.

Another issue I found is that the original language subtitles and the translated subtitles for "Go Go Squid" seem out of sync. I don't know if that is normal, but in "A Love So Beautiful" the two subtitles display alongside each other but with GGS the Chinese subtitle displays after the translated one.

Help woud be appreciated. But maybe its an issue with my network. I don't know for sure.



  • Offizieller Kommentar

    Hi there,

    As of July 31, 2023, we have made the difficult decision to sunset the Learn Mode feature. To find out more, click here.

    We appreciate your understanding in this matter. If there is anything else we can help you with, do reach out to our Support Team at watch.viki.com/UserSupport.

    Thank you,

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  • Hi there,

    Thanks for writing to us.

    We are aware of the Learn Mode audio and subtitles being out of sync.

    However, we are unable to provide an estimated date for the fix as there are other issues that the team is currently prioritizing. Rest assured that this remains an important issue that we will address in the future!

    We appreciate your understanding in this matter and do take care.

    If you are having other technical issues, please send details (screenshots included) to our Help Center at bit.ly/VikiHelp and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Thank you,

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